Hello Friends! I have been gone too long. Waaay too long, and I miss you so much! I have a good excuse, I promise. I am not quite ready to share this excuse with you, but will soon. Another promise. Its a fun, good, and really exciting excuse. Now I am just torturing you and will shut my trap and move on to my next task. A quick and simple Kitchie Tip.
I hate chopping herbs. Hate it hate it hate it. It is an annoying task and one I try to pawn off on others as much as possible. I still don't have a great solution for the likes of cilantro, parsley and tarragon; but basil and sage? I've got you covered.
1. Stack the basil leaves
2. Roll the leaves
3. Slice the leaves crosswise
4. Done! Ta-da!
Do any of you have any tips for chopping other fresh herbs? Cilantro especially is my nemesis, which sucks, because I love it so much. Love/hate relationship big time.
I am loooong overdue for returning some major blog award love from some of my very favorite bloggers. Please forgive me for my delayed thanks, and know that I am eternally grateful and full of love and pride for these awards. Its amazing that even though I haven't written a food post in almost a month, the blog community love is still rolling in. I adore you guys.
I received, not one, three, or five but SIX Versatile Blogger Awards!! (Fainting... ) These kept rolling in from these lovely ladies, whom I adore for more reasons than giving me awards...so thank you my dear friends....Anna at Crunchy Creamy Sweet, Pennie at Passioneats, Jules at Bananamondaes, Kayle at The Cooking Actress, Jessica at A Kitchen Addiction and Kim at Treats & Trinkets. Upon acceptance of this award I am supposed to share seven random facts about myself and then pass the award along to 15 of my favorite bloggers. So, here goes:
1. I never had a huge sweet tooth until I got pregnant with my daughter Anna. Now my sweet tooth has a tendency to be insatiable.
2. I wear sunscreen every single day of the year...sunny, rainy, cloudy or snowy!
3. French fries are my favorite food in the whole entire world. And I do not discriminate. No french fry is bad, there are just some that happen to be phenomenally better than others. In fact, I usually pick where I want to eat out based on their french fries. I love them.
4. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I hate the thought of getting my butt out the door, but when I am done I find that runner's high and fall in love again.
5. I am an accountant, but I want to be a pastry chef.
6. A good glass of wine and snuggling up with Mace and Anna is the perfect end to any day (and you might as well throw a few cookies in there to really top it off).
7. I am always cold. When others are sweating, I am usually wearing a sweater.
I am having a hard time finding bloggers I love that haven't already received multiple Versatile Blogger Awards, so this one if up for the taking. If you haven't received the Versatile Blogger Award yet, you're a blogger, and you're reading this, consider yourself awarded! Please grab the badge below and continue spreading the love!
Secondly, I was given the Happy Blogger Award by Neshanne at Oishii Treats and Anna at Crunchy Creamy Sweet. There are no special requirements for this award but to pass it along to 10 other bloggers. I imagine it should be bloggers that exude happiness and sunshine, like the little award guy below! :-)
I am passing this award on to ten very happy and sunshiney favorite bloggers of mine. Thank you my friends for always bringing a ray of sunshine to my day! Pennie at Passioneats, Kayle at The Cooking Actress, Chocolate Chip Uru at Go Bake Yourself, Leanne at Around the Table: Loving Food in RI & Beyond, Alyssa at Mom de Cuisine, Colleen at The Smart Cookie, Laura at Sprint 2 the Table, Krista at Cucina 49, Erin at Dinners Dishes and Desserts, and Stefanie at Sarcastic Cooking.
And finally...I was given two awards in one pretty little package, The Kreativ Blogger Award and the the Sunshine Award, by the Chocolate Chip Uru herself at Go Bake Yourself.
For the Sunshine Award I am supposed to answer the questions below and then pass it along to 10 other bloggers. For the Kreative Blogger award I am supposed to give randon facts about myself and I will defer to the above so as not to bore you all to death with an enormous amount of facts about me!
I am passing this cute little award package on to the following bloggers: Neshanne at Oishii Treats, Anna at Crunchy Creamy Sweet, Rachel at My Naturally Frugal Family, Amy at Gastronome Tart, Kim at Treats & Trinkets, Jessica at A Kitchen Addiction, Tammi at Momma's Meals, Kyleen at Sixteen Beans, Aylin at Glow Kitchen, and Stephanie at Eat. Drink. Love.